Wednesday, December 30, 2009
2009 – Just a Glance

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Thinking Firang - Working Desi

I was born and bought up in
Expatriate I became when I first got my overseas appointment, the management though being Indian was influenced by the phirang way of working and implementing, in certain ways of the entire operations. I worked for almost 5 years in that company and later joined another one in a different country where the entire manager’s string was phirang. An influence which molded me in a certain phirang way of working in my professional life as well as in my daily life. Almost not realizing I was in a way shedding my negative desi being . For good or bad which I now contemplate and still question myself on my way forward.
There is always a certain way that a phirang would address an issue. Be it in work or play. He decides. Not always he makes the right decision, but to err is human, be it desi or phirang. Taking a bull by the horns is what I have grasped, patience is what I have learnt and a positive attitude is what I endorse. You may loose but give it your best shot, be the hammer instead of the anvil, are some of the aspects which can be inherited blind folded. But there have to be lines drawn, as the phirang way of operating is never ‘the’ best always. That’s when the desi dude should be awakened. The desi style is nothing but unique, tolerant, resilient, humble, flexible, modest. Yet sometimes that’s when the desi attitude fails in possessing these very characters at an extremely fanatic level. That brings nothing but sheer downfall of the great character wall if I may call it.
What needs to be attained is an amalgamation of the phirang with desi. A burger roti with Dal pasta. That’s a perfect combination. The result being a man with immense sense of esteem with no boundaries in attainability. The sky is not the limit when you know you can amalgamate those two individuals within u.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
PAA - Moview Review

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009
Love Aaj kal - Movie Review

Director: Imtiaz Ali
My Rating : * * * * / 5
Well to ponder over this movie tells you that it’s a love story about yesterday and today. And we all know the difference what it was and what it is. The Good and the bad of yesterday and today. Though most people of the older generation would completely agree that their era was the only era where love was treated as it should have been treated. What Imtiaz Ali has done in his stupendous storytelling skill is that whatever the era is, if you are compassionate about your love then the end of your love story will indeed be an happy ending.
LOVE AAJ is about Saif and Deepika playing a very hip and mod couple from London who meet and then are in a relationship for a year but then with the cool kinda attitude of " No strings attached" decide to break up coz career beckons. Deepika comes down to
LOVE KAL is where you get the desi ghee smell to the plot. Rishi Kapoor who’s playing an acquaintance to Saif is narrating his passionate story, how he had been jolted with a thunderbolt after seeing Harleen ( Debutant Gieselle Monteiro) for the first time and how he travels thousands of kilometers to Calcutta from Dilli( not Delhi) just to have a glimpse of her loved one Harleen.
The key to his apt story telling is about the plots moving concurrently together. The Love of Aaj with the Love of Kal, so there is a every chance of oneself to get entangled with it and get mysterious about what’s happening, so my advice is to stay alert for the first half untill u get the grasp of the movie. The shots in the beginning tend to confuse you more coz as I had talkative audiences around me. The abrupt melancholy song doesn’t help to the cause too.
The movie as a story teller is complex, coz Saif and Deepika for the hip couple they are are in denial about being in love hence break up just like that. Infact even throw a breakup party, Rishi Kapoor who is all watching this remembers his days and narrates to Saif about what a lover he had been. But Saif would always think how silly and naive one can be to attain his love. But then the second half has its most gritting moments. The second half is the soul of the movie, this is where the brilliance of Imtiaz Ali as a writer director comes in full view. The time when Deepika decides to marry until their last union, it simply keeps the spirit of emotional desires at the apex. Saif's interaction with Deepika at her wedding or the gradual depletion of Saif's Hip attitude in America shown in the course of a song , or Deepika's realization that the wedding was a mistake, is absolutely brilliant the way it has been brought out to the audience in a way bringing them to hazy heights.
The music as it is are on the top of the charts, and so also are not a let down in the movie. They indeed harness the flow of the narration. Imtiaz Ali is definitelty a genius, for portraying such a complex love story the way he has. The river could have easily flown into the ocean like any other mundane love story, but he manages to keep this river, off the normal, and keeps it off from flowing into the ocean. Saif , a truly mature and seasoned actor now. This role is not different to the urban guy he has played in other movies, but this one is more complex, which only a seasoned Saif could have played. Deepika looks gorgeous, and has played the act well, but the script desired her to be the quieter one, and so she was. But the bubbly charming Deepika is much desired.
Dont expect to get romance in multiple dishes, coz love for today’s Saif and Deepika are the buddy types. the hang out types rather than dying to each other types. The affection and passion can be seen in Rishi Kapoors young age story where emotions and feelings can be only felt by the ever quiet Harleen's words. We get trendy pick up lines like "I’m not trying to pile on, says saif; then why pile on, shoots back Deepika . Go watch this flick to some good bollywood entertainment which we have been missing for long.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Earn to Live & Yearn to Leave

Teacher : what is the use of our nose?
Student: To pay for rents in UAE. My dad says he’s paying the house rent through his Nose.
But then why does an emirate 175Kms away from
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Ajmal Kasab Wanted Jannat : So be it!

There are various articles, discussions, forums that have talked about how the infamous and ongoiing trial of slain accused Ajmal Kasab is prsently undergoing in Mumbai. At first the controversy whether such a person carrying out such gruesome acts needed a trial, but then as a democratic country we needed to stamp our said position by giving the accused a fair trial, ok, alright. But at day 51, with still a long way to go and all of the tax payers money being used up to feed such a criminal, are we really justifying or stamping anything? One one hand the special Public Prosecutir Ujwal Nikam claims that kasab is a terrorist and ofcourse which we belive with all those evidencies of him holding a AK47 and shooting at the CST been flossed around in the media, to top it off there are eye witnessess from all over the country and from small to old who have identified Kasab, yet Kasabs lawyer maintains that he dosent understand a thing going on in court. So what is all this happening here? The media rightly covered the happenings during 26/11 with all their possible possibilities, but then why dosent the media campaign for a quick trial in this case. For millions its just a open n shut case with the punishment being of the maximum yet why are we sitting here and reading, discussing and writing about it. I would personally like to see the media take a bold step to start a campaign to put the words of the public at a level where it matters.
Reading some of the articles and blogs by renowned journalists on the day to day happening at the special court undertaking this trial, one wonders whether Ajmal Kasab is truly sane? He has been pursuing some out of the world acts like grinning and smiling about instances and witneses that have been accusing him of hosting the bloody bath on that night of 26/11. Is he making a mockery of the whole thing? Or does he really dosent understand? He had been promised with a little money and jannat for doing such a heneious crime, so why don’t we fulfull his desire of jannat on a fast paced trial by convicting him on all the charges that are being filed against him. How long will our judiciary system be an irony to itself, preach of being fair and then take light years to give judgement on an open and shut case. Why is ther being so much of prcecious time being spent of the honorary judges, lawyers, administrative officers and all others invloved in a case where everyone is watching. Are these people scared that they would give a wrong judgement?
After all this and if by luck the murderer gets a conviction, will there be more beurocratic loops in the system to keep his judgement at bay and take the matter upto the supreme court, I as a citizen of the country wonder and wonder where is this going to end up in. All those people who lost their lives have gone to a place beyond our understanding, yet those who live on with those memories have somehow taken the path back to their life’s. Is there anyone other then Ajmal kasab who wants this to get over, I wonder if he does too.
Everyone needs an explanation to the complexity of this case, if there is any?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Is everyone Reading ?
Many a times than not, most of the emails are nothing but some passing chain of crap which comes bundled and covered with the best wrapping paper u could ever imagine. Or sometimes you receive a fwd of some insane incidents happening in some bizarre place in the universe and then u come across it again claiming that it happened in your neighborhood, I pray, God have mercy. This takes me to the thought of the originator or shall we call him “ Mr. Jack Ass “ of such emails; sure does the person need help I wonder. But nevertheless some of the fwds are ridiculously funny, creative and etc. So then comes a point, where each of us, the smart ass of all, needs to be vigilant of what he/she grabs into his life. There indeed comes a time where one needs to decide for himself the difference. The difference between what? The difference between your willingness to accept and what not to accept. There is always a thin line between the truth and fiction, in cases, where you aren’t the performer, but just the audience for such a performance. To applaud such a performance lies within us, to applaud for oneself coz random it is that the next person who would receive such information doesn’t care about the person sending it to him. Arguably in some cases yes but more than often it is a no.
A honest case in a world of today gets lost within the very diasporas of such smart ass vigilant audience, who for the smart ass they are tend to make the wrong decisions. Decisions where one could have a possible contribution towards achieving or rather giving contemporary happiness to ones that matter and of course to the ones that don’t matter. But for the short term individualistic gains that we are known for we don’t, because after all its just a piece information that could be incorrect coz of our assumption. So what does this all bring to? That information be withheld? Or we continue to admire and applaud without making a difference? Well I certainly don’t have the answers yet for sure, so I continue to open every tiny envelope that pops up at my task bar and so shall Mr. Jack Ass.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Michael Jackson - A name, lived with Time and Now Beyond

25th July 2009 , what a day it was for millions of music buff’s. The tragic and shocking news of the death of music industries undisputed star in the history. Micheal Jackson. MJ as he was known to all. I don’t think there is any person with a little sense of life that does not know about MJ, not necessarily for all the good reasons, but for reasons without reasons as well. MJ might have been an icon a star an epic a hero, but in the end succumbed for the end.
An end that brings anxious moments for people who hear the details about his end, and what an irony hearing details about life after death.
When I first heard the news on Friday, it was like normal disheartening news that one hears on TV, but then as days went by, 6 to be specific, when closely followed this news, it brought me lot of agony and some concerns. Agony coz it made me wonder what a life he led to come to an end like this, and concern coz the final details of his death will not be known for another 2 weeks. A country that boasts about being “thee best” in technological achievements, cannot categorically put down in black n white the reasons of someone’s death. Ha.
This person MJ, has come out with music of its own class. I am not an out n out MJ music fan, but yes the music that he came up with, definitely needed an ear or rather ears to listen to it. He made some great tracks like , thriller, bad, Billy Jean , Black or White , Cry , You are not alone, Earth Song, Dangerous, Blood on the dance floor, just to name a few which I can recollect. Every song of his had this over the world, over the universe feel to it. The videos of each song were different, creative and amongst the best. This music was what made him a billionaire and these billions too brought an end to him. His lifestyle for the past years has always made him a target. A target which people thought was worth aiming at. From the 90’s child abuse to the latest his ex-wife alleging that MJ didn’t father the kids, was way of life to him. His eccentric behavior, frequent change in appearances bought him to the limelight forever.
After his death pathologists confirm that at the time of his death MJ didn’t have any food in his stomach but only had tablets. The abuse of prescribed drugs is what people are talking about, drugs that are narcotic was his prescription. MJ started getting acquainted with these drugs after his downfall during the child abuse case that started in the 90’s, a child abuse case which ended in 2005 which acquitted MJ of all charges due to lack of evidence. He always maintained that he was being targeted by some cheap stints, which now proves to be right as the child’s father Evan Chandler asked his son Jordan Chandler to tell lies regarding the child abuse by MJ, and now Jordan Chandler has decided to speak up in guilt, to say sorry. Sometimes one wonders isn’t this murder? It was because of this very reason MJ went into depression and got addicted to narcotic drugs. But then a sane mind would not do to oneself what MJ did to himself. The report that came out in the media was shocking, Insomniac MJ literally begged for sedatives to put him to sleep, didnt he know that these drugs were one day going to put him to sleep forever? The findings which apparently were not revealed yet leaked in the media said that injection wounds were found above or near to
With such a battered death, I wonder if those things what he did good did any favors upon him? Apparently Michael donated and raised millions of dollars for beneficial causes through his foundations and charity. Ironically, Michael now has a 500M $ debt which nobody knows how its going to be collected. But he was preparing for his come back, a series of tours starting in
So heres some great lines from MJ to MJ :
"Gone Too Soon"
Like A Comet
Blazing 'Cross The Evening Sky
Gone Too Soon
Like A Rainbow
Fading In The Twinkling Of An Eye
Gone Too Soon
Shiny And Sparkly
And Splendidly Bright
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like The Loss Of Sunlight
On A Cloudy Afternoon
Gone Too Soon
Like A Castle
Built Upon A Sandy Beach
Gone Too Soon
Like A Perfect Flower
That Is Just Beyond Your Reach
Gone Too Soon
Born To Amuse, To Inspire, To Delight
Here One Day
Gone One Night
Like A Sunset
Dying With The Rising Of The Moon
Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Down Memory Lane...Mombasa, Kenya

I moved to
I landed the
I lived for 5 years in
Most people imagine that the local African people could be violent or harsh but with my experience living there I can comfortably conclude that these people are most humble and ever inviting. As long as you don’t have any foul interest they don’t mind your existence. Every Kenyan is well aware of the political happening in their country; a political debate over a chilled beer is always on the cards at nearby tables.
Right choice , we all make choices and when we make them weigh our pro’s and con’s which suit us, sometimes we manipulate our pro’s against the con’s or the con’s against the pro’s because that’s what we think is right. Its about the mind v/s the heart, we make choices to suit us, if we come out of it victorious it was the right choice and if we don’t we manipulate it again.
On this day..
On this day the 28th Of April
In summers of the year 1982
When the lovely breeze defied the scorching heat
They tapped their legs and danced to every beat
They ran with a smile helter & Skelter
And must have ran brushing my shelter
They announced to the leaves
And they announced to the trees
They announced to the rooftops
And they announced to the shades
A girl has arrived with a smile that shall never fade
Years drifted like an Ocean tide
They come back today in my sight
Same Old Breeze defying the scorching heat
With their soft and hazy smiley treat
I hear them giggle as they whisper in my ear
Wishing my wife a blessed year
On this day the 28th of April.
- Makarand
NewYork - Movie Review

Star Cast: John Abraham, Katrina Kaif, Neil Nitin Mukesh and Irrfan Khan;
Director: Kabir Khan
Music : Pritam
Rating : *** ½ / 5
The movie starts with a very intriguing scene in
That’s when 9/11 happens, Neil because of the heartache leaves his buddies and disappears.
7 years post 9/11 when Neil is nabbed by Irrfan , Irrfan convinces Neil to bring in information about John. Neil agrees to do so because he wants to prove that John can’t be a terrorist neither can he run a terrorist cell and also puts in a clause that the FBI wont kill John if he surrenders. If John is a terrorist and whether he truly runs a terrorist cell is for you to see when you watch the movie.
Kabir Khan is just 2 movies old, but shows what an entertaining director he is. He’s knack of creating scenes and bring the audience to the edge of the seat is repeated in various scenes throughout the movie. The very first scene of Neil being nabbed is definitely one of them, some of the scenes about the tortures in the detention cell are good, one particular scene where Katrina , wife of John is frisked by a NYPD officer and then the scenes that follow it are some of the best shot scenes. Another one worth mentioning is the climax of the movie, which arguably couldn’t have been shot in a better way. All in all this Kabir Khan is all set to entertain us movie buffs for a long time to come.
Talking about performances, the all talked expressionless, John Abraham is simply amazing. He definitely has grown, and as John himself says it’s like writing a new series of John himself. His performance stands out as an actor now. He’s definitely proves that he can be a good actor if it can be extracted from him. Katrina, well well surprise surprise, this broad can act too. What ever is said about the electronic voice makeover and stuff, is all useless if the emotions aren’t depicted on the screen, and she has done it remarkably. Neil Nitin Mukesh is good, though he could be better, with the amount of screen space he had in this 2 hr 20 min film he could have added a touché better, but nevertheless doesn’t let you down. Irrfan Khan, well this guy is like Mr. Cool, as if the screen is meant for him. The timing of his dialogues his body gesture, just explicit. He actually could talk you through his eyes only. Infact some scenes with his FBI seniors are damn good. His got his own way of convincing or putting the agenda right through you.
The music is very airy to the ears, Pritam once again proves his worth. None of the songs are in lip sync mode but travel through the entire movie to give you that feel of the emotions.
So all said and done, watch the movie without any intentions to see any ground breaking reasoning towards global terrorism. This movie though is based on terrorism is a Yash Raj production which does not include gruesome Lovy dovey part in it. So if the atrocities shown in the detention centre are diluted by including a slow track don’t mind it. But watch the movie for some good bollywood entertainment.
Happy Watching.