Director: Imtiaz Ali
My Rating : * * * * / 5
Well to ponder over this movie tells you that it’s a love story about yesterday and today. And we all know the difference what it was and what it is. The Good and the bad of yesterday and today. Though most people of the older generation would completely agree that their era was the only era where love was treated as it should have been treated. What Imtiaz Ali has done in his stupendous storytelling skill is that whatever the era is, if you are compassionate about your love then the end of your love story will indeed be an happy ending.
LOVE AAJ is about Saif and Deepika playing a very hip and mod couple from London who meet and then are in a relationship for a year but then with the cool kinda attitude of " No strings attached" decide to break up coz career beckons. Deepika comes down to
LOVE KAL is where you get the desi ghee smell to the plot. Rishi Kapoor who’s playing an acquaintance to Saif is narrating his passionate story, how he had been jolted with a thunderbolt after seeing Harleen ( Debutant Gieselle Monteiro) for the first time and how he travels thousands of kilometers to Calcutta from Dilli( not Delhi) just to have a glimpse of her loved one Harleen.
The key to his apt story telling is about the plots moving concurrently together. The Love of Aaj with the Love of Kal, so there is a every chance of oneself to get entangled with it and get mysterious about what’s happening, so my advice is to stay alert for the first half untill u get the grasp of the movie. The shots in the beginning tend to confuse you more coz as I had talkative audiences around me. The abrupt melancholy song doesn’t help to the cause too.
The movie as a story teller is complex, coz Saif and Deepika for the hip couple they are are in denial about being in love hence break up just like that. Infact even throw a breakup party, Rishi Kapoor who is all watching this remembers his days and narrates to Saif about what a lover he had been. But Saif would always think how silly and naive one can be to attain his love. But then the second half has its most gritting moments. The second half is the soul of the movie, this is where the brilliance of Imtiaz Ali as a writer director comes in full view. The time when Deepika decides to marry until their last union, it simply keeps the spirit of emotional desires at the apex. Saif's interaction with Deepika at her wedding or the gradual depletion of Saif's Hip attitude in America shown in the course of a song , or Deepika's realization that the wedding was a mistake, is absolutely brilliant the way it has been brought out to the audience in a way bringing them to hazy heights.
The music as it is are on the top of the charts, and so also are not a let down in the movie. They indeed harness the flow of the narration. Imtiaz Ali is definitelty a genius, for portraying such a complex love story the way he has. The river could have easily flown into the ocean like any other mundane love story, but he manages to keep this river, off the normal, and keeps it off from flowing into the ocean. Saif , a truly mature and seasoned actor now. This role is not different to the urban guy he has played in other movies, but this one is more complex, which only a seasoned Saif could have played. Deepika looks gorgeous, and has played the act well, but the script desired her to be the quieter one, and so she was. But the bubbly charming Deepika is much desired.
Dont expect to get romance in multiple dishes, coz love for today’s Saif and Deepika are the buddy types. the hang out types rather than dying to each other types. The affection and passion can be seen in Rishi Kapoors young age story where emotions and feelings can be only felt by the ever quiet Harleen's words. We get trendy pick up lines like "I’m not trying to pile on, says saif; then why pile on, shoots back Deepika . Go watch this flick to some good bollywood entertainment which we have been missing for long.